Sunday, 10 May 2020

Emotional wellbeing and Motherhood

How to Start the New Year: The First 5 Things to Do in 2020

Happy mothers day to all the beautiful mommies reading this. Hope you had a lovely day with your dear ones. This mothers day was a lot more special as we got home our second baby boy who turns 4 months old tomorrow.

As women we play a lot of different roles in life. Motherhood however is very different for each one us, very special in its own way and the most emotional too. Not to forget its also the most chaotic and exhausting.

Our children constantly need us. Just like even after having kids of our own, we still at times need our moms. These needs are constantly changing as they age.

As they say, you can only give love if you have love within. You can only give good health, if you are healthy, you can spread happiness only if you are internally happy.

Which is why it is important for us to first take care of ourselves before we take care of our kids and our families.

Looking after your emotional health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

In all these years, I have never fully appreciated mental health or how important it is until I was pregnant with my second son.

Until then I had always put everything else ahead of my own needs and still do most times. I have to constantly remind myself and make a conscious effort to not do so.

But now being a mother to not just one but two, I realise that my mental health and emotional wellbeing is utmost important not only because I am human but because without tending to it and making sure I am my healthiest, I would not be able to cater to my children's need at the capacity they deserve.

Focusing on your emotional health isn't hard, but it may be an adjustment for you. Some simple and really enjoyable changes are all it takes to boost happiness and well being. Here are a couple of things you could do and experience all the positiveness it brings to your life -

1. Take care of your physical health

First and foremost you need to focus on your physical health. Healthy and nutritious food and adequate sleep is essential in well being. About 2-3 litres of water is required to keep your body well hydrated. Keep a large bottle of water and keep sipping throughout.

2. Get some fresh air

Target to get outdoors at least a couple of days every week. It could be a quick walk in your society or a run in your near by garden or even some indoor workout or yoga.

3. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a mental state in which you are completely aware in the present moment. For example, if you are cooking, your focus should be only on cooking and not on the zillion other things that are waiting for your attention. Doing so helps you in acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts.

4. Pursue some hobby  / activity 

Being a mother doesn't mean you sacrifice everything. Make time for yourself and for things that you like, that give you joy. Remember only when you are contended and happy can you pass on those to your children and family. 

5. Express yourself

Poorly managed or unregulated emotions can take a toll on yourself and your mental health. Take time to inspect how you are feeling and to declutter your mind.

6. Practice Gratitude 

When you start focusing on what you have, you automatically take your focus away from whats missing. Practicing gratitude helps you appreciate even the  smallest things that comes your way.

7. Ask for help - when you need it

We often shy away from asking for help. Motherhood doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself. An extra hand always help take the load off. Be vocal and ask for any help that you may need.

8. Spend time with people that you love / get along 

Your time is valuable. Who you choose to spend it with is a very important decision. A hearty conversation with your loved ones helps take away the stress. Besides good conversation, hugs and kisses and cuddles all release oxytocin (the feel-good hormone) and lowers blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormones). So the more love you show the better you feel. 

The bottom line is pretty simple: take time for happiness, constantly be aware of your emotions and feelings and declutter them as needed. Remember - You cant pour from an empty cup. 

Yours Virtually, 
